Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fast and easy Piacenza salad for 2 .....a variation on the Caprese

This salad is a snap to make and so delicious!  It’s a staple in my household for a quick weeknight dinner.

The ingredients:
Half a container Marinated Fresh Mozzarella balls, 1 cup or so Cherry or grape tomatoes,2-3 T Julienned fresh basil, 1-2 T pine nuts, 2 T freshly grated Parmesan, 2 ½ cups baby lettuce, 1-2 T balsamic vinegar, freshly ground pepper.  For a one dish meal, add julienned salami or baked turkey.

Into your salad bowl, scoop the mozzarella – be fairly generous with oil and herb marinade (about 3 or 4 T).  Add tomatoes.  Toss in fresh basil, pine nuts, balsamic vinegar and baby lettuces (and salami or turkey if you like).  Toss.  Add parmesan and fresh ground pepper and toss again.

Add a few slices of hot bruschetta, a glass of wine – and enjoy!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happiness is an attitude of gratitude.....

I've had a revelation recently:  gratitude is in short supply these days and there are a million things to feel grateful for, once I pause to reflect.  Here are a few:
  • My husband, my wonderful son, my family.....
  • The love of my friends....
  • My pets, particularly Miss Misha.......
  • Every friend, neighbor, client, acquaintance who marches boldly through life in a loving way......
  • All the strangers I make eye contact with who are quicker on the draw than I am with a smile - bless you!  
  • I'm magnificently grateful each and every day to live in this corner of paradise...
It's my intent to consciously find more things to feel grateful for, each and every day.....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Changing your perspective

These are turbulent, trying times - some would say, uncertain. Yes, but also potentially transformative. I vowed a few months ago to not use the phrase, "this economy" any more - it's just not productive and reinforces all the negativity that's flourishing at the moment. There is a consciousness shift occurring right now, whether we can "see" it or not. There are so many things to celebrate, why focus on the negatives?

I received this message in my inbox today from and feel it's too important not to share! It's all about the Law of Attraction......

“In optimism there is magic. In pessimism there is nothing. In positive expectation there is thrill and success. In pessimism or awareness of what is not wanted, there is nothing. We do not ask you to look at something that is black and call it white. We do not ask you to see something that is not as you want it to be and pretend that it is. What we ask you to do is practice moving your gaze. Practice changing your perspective. Practice talking to different people. Practice going to new places. Practice sifting through the data for the things that feel like you want to feel and using those things to cause you to feel a familiar place. In other words, we want you to feel familiar in your joy. Familiar in your positive expectation, familiar in your knowing that all is well, because this Universe will knock itself out giving you evidence of that Well-being once you find that place”
Remember that one attracts what one is sending out...... send Love!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Year Greetings!

Better late than never! I meant to post this early in January........... back then it seemed like having snow was a novelty. Now it's snowed - what? three times since then? It's become far less of a novelty, but still beautiful, I must admit.